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The power of split testing or A/B testing your sales/marketing process.

Split testing allows you to incrementally improve every stage, by comparing different versions of emails, direct mail and offers you can identify what resonates most with your potential customers, which will lead to increased conversion rates.

As well as testing major components like emails, mail and offers you can also split test tiny details like the colour of a call-to-action button on your website.

Companies like Amazon are masters of this, have you ever noticed tiny changes on the Amazon website? For example, the star review rating recently changed from a rating out of 5 stars, to a single star with a number rating next to the star, then back again. This is Amazon A/B testing.

The major benefit of any split testing is it removes the guess work, your sales and marketing processes will be continuously improving based on the data.

Split testing doesn’t need to be over complicated, you could simply send a different email to half of your mailing list then measure the open rate, click through rate & response rate.


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