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The Barbershop Reciprocity Experiment

3 barbers experiment with different ways to increase customer satisfaction, satisfaction was measured by the size of the tip offered to the barber.

Barber 1:

- The first barber takes a simple approach. After the haircut, they offer a complimentary beard trim, without saying much. This thoughtful gesture results in a 4% increase in tip size. people feel a sense of obligation when they receive an unexpected extra service, triggering the principle of reciprocity.

Barber 2:

- The second takes a more personalised approach. As they finish the haircut, they engage in friendly conversation, sharing tips on maintaining the style and grooming techniques. This additional interaction leads to a 12% increase in tip size. By engaging in a meaningful conversation customers perceive the experience as more valuable, which significantly boosts the tip they are prepared to offer.

Barber 3:

- The third barber combines elements from both previous approaches. They provide the same complimentary beard trim followed by the grooming and styling advise. Then, they offer the customer a small aftershave sample, as a free surprise bonus. This dynamic approach triggers a strong reciprocity effect, resulting in a substantial 26% increase in the size of the tip.

This barbershop experiment highlights the power of reciprocity. Any retail business can create deeper connections and improve customer experiences through added value and engagement, a few examples could be;

- Personalised advice.

- Free samples.

- Unexpected free ‘bonus’ product or discount.

- Free guide on how to get the best out of their new product.


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