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I just got sold to by the best cold caller!

Like most people, I get a lot of cold calls by companies trying to sell their products (usually phone contacts or insurance).

I had a cold call yesterday that started like this:

Cold Caller – "Hi Matthew, just to let you know this is a cold call from a company called XYZ, how are you today?"

The fact that he addressed that it was a 'cold call' straight away, instantly made me lower my guard and I didn’t feel the urge to say, ‘I’m not interested’.

This highlighted to me the importance of transparency, by instantly saying ‘this is a cold call’ I felt like I could trust him more than if he had gone straight into the pitch.

A few ways transparency can help any business:

Builds Trust:

- Transparency is the foundation of trust. By openly acknowledging that the call is a cold one, the caller signals honesty and authenticity. This honesty can go a long way in building trust between the caller and the prospect.

Respect for the Prospect's Time:

- Acknowledging that it's a cold call upfront shows respect for the prospect's time. It sets the tone that he understands you may have limited time.

Reduces Resistance:

- Openly stating that it's a cold call can reduced the immediate resistance that people have to such calls. It eliminates the need for the prospect to be defensive or dismissive and opens the door to a more genuine conversation.

Focuses on Permission:

- By being upfront about the nature of the call, the caller invites the prospect to engage willingly, fostering a more positive atmosphere.

Positions You as Genuine:

- People are often bombarded with sales pitches, being transparent distinguishes you as a genuine sales person. It shows that you're not trying to hide your intentions and are confident in the value you bring.

Enhances Credibility:

- Transparency contributes to your overall credibility. When you're clear about your purpose and intentions, prospects are more likely to believe in the authenticity of your message and the products or services you represent.

Sets the Tone for Honesty Throughout the Conversation:

- Starting with transparency sets a positive tone for the entire conversation. It encourages open communication, making it more likely that you will share their concerns, needs, and preferences, providing valuable insights for a tailored pitch.


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